Bill's Special Kids, a non-profit organization, was formed to promote the acceptance and awareness of young people with a special need by including them in community activities which will help them develop into better adults through participation in organized, supervised recreation activities. The program offers Pony Baseball, Bowling and Swimming in the belief that if you teach young people to play by the rules, they will learn to live by the rules of everyday life.
The program provides a way for families and friends to come together to celebrate the lives of their loved ones. The parents get a chance to talk to each other and they realize they are not alone.
Sponsorships pay for uniforms, shirts, picture packages, awards, and other costs associated with our sport programs. Any donations would be appreciated.
We sincerely hope you choose to be a part of our program. If you do, please complete the attached form and return as noted. All sponsors are recognized within our website on the sponsors page.
For program information, contact Bill Yearsley (951) 242-7261 or e-mail Pat at... pat@billsspecialkids.comThanks,Bill YearsleyProgram Coordinator Handout: